GoldenAge-Microheroes Wiki

Taanda the White Princess

Name Taanda, White Princess
A.K.A. n/a
Secret ID. None
Type Jungle Heroine
Affiliation/Team None
1st Appearance White Princess of the Jungle #1
Year 1951
Publisher Avon Periodicals
Country of origin USA

Taanda, The White Princess of the Jungle. Actually she is princess of the Tauruti tribe. She was " raised from a crawling, helpless she-cub and schooled in the ways of the wild ". A wild, mysterious, sun-bronzed beauty with flaming hair. Those who live in peace, worship the love of freedom and justice she brings to their primitive homes. Only Evil-doers, breaking the laws of the jungle fear her unsheathed blade, ever poised to strike against deceit and treachery.
